"Always such fresh fruits to choose from"
Today I want to talk about one of my favorite places to be....
Now some of you might already be thinking of some exciting location, history filled country or foodie Mecca such as New Orleans or Paris (Take your pick)
Well, you'd be both right and wrong today—for even though I do so love those places, and New Orleans is the city that truly stole my heart with its history and food (chicory coffee and beignets anyone)
What I am actually referring to today is all of these wonderful "Farmer's Market Stores" popping up all over the place...
"Definitely my favorite place to shop"
I recently, in a guest post I did for Lizzy at ATastyMess.Com, went into how much I love all the Farm Stands and Farmers Markets that open up from spring thru to the fall—but in creating a recipe for her site I lacked the time to really detail one place I've become so enamored of lately....
"The best meat, dry aged and cut to order"
And that are these giant Farmer's stores; here on Long Island we have The Fresh Market, Pat's and a few others to a lesser degree, but by far my favorite has been "North Shore Farms"....
It's like they've taken everything I love and shoved it all together into one beautiful organic location....
"Right across from fresh baked breads"
Need the local butcher with his specialty cuts and aged meats-well, there he is...
The fish market with the latest catch or the fresh imports-there it is...
A bakery making breads and baked goods of all shapes and sizes; well there she is right across from your local deli filled with hot or cold dishes made that day...
"Farmers Market Vegetables"
Finally there's your favorite farm stand filled with every vegetable and fruit you could imagine, plus a few you couldn't name if you tried....
This, right here, is my mini-Nirvana; I'll go here wandering the aisles perusing the cheeses, the sushi, the meats and vegetables—and "bam" it'll hit me, this is what I'm making for dinner tonight....
It's Zen via fluorescent lights and cool air, enlightenment from yelled orders and ice packed with fish.....
"Cheeses from around the world"
It's my home away from home, when not traveling with my Baby—the place I go to find that one thing I need most for a recipe...
"Delicious Deli Items"
"So much fresh ingredients to choose from"
Be it Yucca root or French Feta, Fish Eggs or Three inch thick Shell Steaks....
My cooking paradise; and even though today I just wanted fresh fruit, it is still so
"Definitely Delish"